Trudy Risedorf


Years in Real Estate: 9 Years, but Licensed since the beginning of 2014

Languages: English

Favorite thing about Real Estate: There are many aspects of real estate industry that I enjoy, such as,  showing houses, open houses, problem solving, staging, doing competitive market analysis and negotiating. But without question, the opportunity to meet people and make new friends is the best part of my job.

What do you like to do in your spare time?  
I enjoy being with my family,  specificailly shopping with my daughter, playing /reading to my little guy and preparing special family meals.
Favorite Book: 
When clearing my mind and relaxing is high on my list, reading always does the trick. Lately my author of choice is Lisa Scottoline. Most of her books focus on strong women exploring the bounties of family, and of course… love.
Favorite Movie: 
I rarely watch movies more than once with the exception of  the family classic The Wizard of Oz. Having seen it first as a child and many times thereafter, it`s theme always reminds me of the importance of home and family.
Favorite Quote:
A good life is when you smile often, dream big, laugh a lot and realize how blessed you are for what you have.” Unknown
What does your family look like? 
I`ve been blessed with three terrific kids starting with my 23yr old son, 19yr old daughter and my very energetic 2yr old son.   I am married to a wonderful man whose willingness to help has made a hectic schedule manageable. With a busy family and rewarding yet demanding job, free time is at a premium.
What I am about: 
“Real estate is my life, it is my day job if you will. But it consumes my nights and weekends too.” Ivanka Trump  Although that quote resonates with my day to day, I make it a point to remind myself that the decision to buy, sell and or invest in real estate is likely one of the most important decisions one will make.  It can be exciting yet somewhat confusing and daunting. As a Real Estate Agent, I listen and define my clients wants and needs as well as study and know the market. With the help of the professional resources available to me at Cedar Wood Realty and my own passion, industry experience and hard work, I am able to help you achieve your desired goals.
Thank you for reading my abbreviated bio. I hope to have the pleasure of meeting with you real soon!

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