Viviane Almeida



Years in Real Estate: 10 years

Languages: English, Portuguese, Spanish

Favorite thing about Real Estate: I love working with buyers because I want to help them have a smooth process of purchasing a house. From finding the home, offers, home inspections, and finding the right attorney. I always put myself in the buyer’s shoes and think,”How would I want to be treated as a buyer?”

What do you like to do in your spare time?
 You can find me spending a lot of time with my daughter, family, and friends. When I have time, I love to help others in the community. For fun I go to the gym, ride motorcycles, and attending church.
Favorite Book: 
I love the Bible! I am not much of a reader, but the Bible is so interesting to me.
Favorite Movie: 
Braveheart , The Passion of the Christ, and any WWII related films.
Favorite Quote: 
“Treat others the way you wish to be treated!”– The golden rule!
What does your family look like?
 I have amazing parents that are always supporting me in whatever I do. My daughter and I have a great relationship, and on the tough days, she is the reason that I keeping on going. Above all, I have an amazing God that has shown me that He is always beside me and there for me because He gave up His son, Jesus, so that I could be in relationship with Him.
Random fact: 
Besides my love for eating and cooking up wonderful meals, I love to encourage others. It is an encouragement to me to see others realize their potential and see hope for their lives.

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